Shirts & Polos
Every Purchase

How It Works

  1. Add Cheap Atelier-lumieres Jordan outlet’s Wallet Pass to your Apple or Android device.
  2. Can I use my wallet pass balance in-store.
  3. Add Cheap Atelier-lumieres Jordan outlets Wallet Pass to your Apple or Android device.

VIP Tiers

Insider - 5% Cash Back

VIP - 7.5% Cash Back

Insider - 5% Cash Back

Spend between $500 and $1,000, and receive 5% Cash Back

Does the balance in my Wallet Pass expire

VIP - 7.5% Cash Back

Shirts & Polos


Your points have been converted to dollars (1 point = $.05) and are available on your wallet pass for immediate spending. Ensure that the email associated with your pass is the same as your Cheap Atelier-lumieres Jordan outlet account. Your point balance converted to Cash Back must be spent by Monday, 01/01 at Noon EST.

Yes, you must have the Cheap Atelier-lumieres Jordan outlet wallet pass to earn cash back on your online purchases. Only one pass per customer.

Make a purchase and get cash back instantly.

From your wallet pass, head to the back of your pass and click Redeem. Your credit will automatically be applied to your cart.

As a wallet pass holder, you will be the first to be notified of any promotions, product launches, and new arrivals. There will be regular wallet pass-specific initiatives. Further benefits will rolled out to wallet pass holders in the future.

X Community Works. 

Visitor - 2.5% Cash Back.

Yes. Any future Cash Back will expire 365 days after it is earned. The $20 welcome bonus is a limited-time offer and must be spent by Tuesday, 11/28 at Noon EST. Your point balance converted to Cash Back must be spent by Monday, 01/01 at Noon EST.

Your VIP tier is determined by your spending over the last 365 days, excluding shipping and tax.